
CopRice Speciality Products is renowned for its rice-based range of products. The complete range covers a diverse spectrum, and includes pet food, horse feed, and animal bedding and litter. All of these products contain rice or rice products as the basic ingredient, to allow the animal to benefit from the advantages of rice. The products are produced to high technical and quality standards to ensure that the nutritional or welfare demands of the various animals are met. Tinney Eventing has been a soul user of CopRice Speciality feeds for almost two decades.
Ceva offers a full range of Equine Health and Performance products to TE. Providing specific products for specific horses, they have a fantastic support team which back up their high quality health products. An innovative Australian company.
TE are long time users of Pentosan Equine, plus more recently Pentosan Gold plus HALO. The combination for our team is part of our success. We recommend all performance horses to have CEVA in their Joint Maintenance program for prevention and Joint health.
Please contact your Veterinarian to discuss your Joint Maintenance program.

“We Live Horses Too” – This epitomizes the Horseland culture. You can be assured that the staff are passionate about horses because they really do “live them too”. With over 100 stores nationwide and with over 30 years of experience you can be confident that you are receiving the best service and great products.
We have ridden in the Bates range here at Tinney Eventing for almost two decades. Bates continue to evolve with world class design and fit using their CAIR system. The Bates CAIR system is ideal for all horses, for us when they change shape with their fitness, plus when horses come into the yard the saddles can just be adjusted for comfort and fit. We have all our confidence in the Bates range. Any information on the Bates range please contact us.

Proteq Equine Bedding is a premium wood derived animal bedding product, which is superiour alternative to traditional equine bedding products such as sawdust, shavings and straw.
We have recently introduced Proteq Equine bedding into our yard. What an amazing product to work with. We can only say that we love it! Easy, clean, biodegradable plus AUSTRALIAN made and produced
Now you never need worry about flying or crawling insects again. The new Ecomist 6 dispenser has been cleverly designed with a range of settings making it very effective at controlling insects, both indoors and outdoors.
• eliminates insects, safe and easy to use
• 3 year warranty
• 24 hour protection
• battery operated
• adjustable to suit area
If you are bothered by insects & pests around your home or stable, then call Ecomist on 1800 243 5000 for an environment friendly solution. You can also shop securely online at www.ecomist.com.au

Tinney Eventing are proud to be part of the Hidez group. We use the suits for recovery, ice socks for recovery and injuries, plus recently Hidez hoods..excellent for spooky horses, helping your training in a positive way!
‘Tinney Eventing has recently been introduced to StreamZ for both us and our horses. The ease of use and the results have been remarkable. Placing their unique magnetic bands on horses with soft tissue damage plus swelling has had a pleasing effect on their recovery plus well-being’ Contact StreamZ, for more information and understanding of their technology’ Thank-you StreamZ